We live into a world when all women dream about being treated as ... princess. And ... the only chance to be happy is to respect ... this request … an article written by the wellknown romanian writer Adrian Dumitru

He was waking up starting to reply to everyone...

"Hello dear!"

"Hello dear!"

"Hello dear!"

"Hello dear!"

... sending actually 30-40 messages as that.

Chasing for a certain profile of woman ....he remained in contact with many of the women he knew.

Adore to chat with them.

Sometimes ... go out at a coffee shop or a restaurant.

But .... even if he had this connections .... he was not really having a relationship.

So ... he was so, so closed with so many women ... many of them being so, so beautiful ... but none of them could be called ... his woman.

But Mike didn't really cared of that.

Didn't felt ... it's actually a handicap.

One day ... i've dared to ask him ... "My friend ... why don't


you really start a relationship with one of those ladies.

Just pick up one ... and start being with that woman... for real.

I believe it's a nonsense all what you're doing now."

He looked at me ... smiled and ... replied ...

"I believe you don't understand reality anymore.

Yes ... I believe you don't understand the woman anymore.

All those 30-40-50 women ... i am in connection with ... all the time ... have very high expectations from a man.

They need to be treated into a certain way.

They need to get expensive gifts.

You need to go with them in vacations.

I mean ... in luxury vacations.

They need ... beautiful cars.

They actually need all ... a woman can have .... to feel like a princess.

I am a poet.

I can make them dream.

I can play with their minds.

I can induce them certain vibes ... which the words can help induce.

But ... then ... all of them remember about all they need ... for living that dreamed life.

... jewelleries, clothes, vacations, cars, perfumes ... etc etc.

And i don't want to pay this price.

... with any of them.

I am a poet ... not a man so much connected with money ... so …

But ... it's funny ... cause all of them still remain connected


to me.

They need a rich arab prince... which can offer them all a woman dream about ... but the paradox is that all of them like my poetic style .... adoring my beautiful words."

I was smiling too ... hearing his words ...

"So ... what you're actually saying is that the perfect man ... from the times when we're living ... is a rich arab prince ... which knows to offer a certain luxury lifestyle ... but who would also have poetic abilities ... same as you have."

Maybe ... Mike was right.

Or .... maybe the truth was in the middle.

And ... realistically ... even if would want to be in a relationship with any of those ladies .... he was connected with ... he couldn't do it.

Simply .... because he couldn't offer that life style.

So ... Mike was continuing his life.

Writing poems.

Going out ... and enjoying his coffee in the company of so many beautiful women.

... making them feel like princesses from fairy tales .... using the magic of his poetry.

Being in connection with all of them .... but not having anyone... for real.

Looks ... sadly.

But ... maybe that was what he needed for his existence as a poet.


And all of them ... in certain moments were inspiring his



Mike continued ... writing.

Also .... enjoying life.

Cause ... he could not have anything for real.

So ... he kept repeating ... in all his writings ... "All is an illusion" ... in all sorts of ways ....


Download the book ”The princess syndrome

... perceptions of an idiot man - essays” written by the romanian author Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.



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