Why should we run away from the scene of life?! In the end ... all we lived ... and we succeed to interconnect the inner … written by the well known romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru and the outside world ... are amazing experiences

Years ago ... i was finding strange that a human being could go to a monastery and remain in there for the rest of the life.
I was asking myself why the hell someone could go, by himself, in a prison ... for a lifetime.
Today i see things in a totally different way.
I understood that the world is the way it is and sometimes we just need to disconnect from everything to survive ... or to evolve as spiritual beings.
Buying a house on the top of the mountains, with no neighbors around ... or going to the monastery and live in there ... at least for a while is a real trick that could help our spiritual life.
But what if instead of that ... we do the opposite?!
Meaning ... staying on the stage of life, accepting all what is going on, analyze and define the meaning of all what is going on ... but seeing the life lessons as a blessing for a better spiritual life.
So ... what if we start to embrace everything is going on?!
Just as it happens.
Not bothering of anything.
Not seeing anything negative ... even if they look as that.
What do you think it can happen?!

Living, accepting and embracing the present moment ... just as it is.
Connecting with the moment ... instead of running away.
Solitude is great ... and i start enjoying it even if i love to socialize with people ... but i do all my best to stay on the scene of life and not run away of it.
Just be there ... no matter what is going on.
At the right time ... most probably i will practice mainly solitude .... but today i consider myself that i am on the chapter of understanding life through the interactions i have with the others.
I decided to stay in the real life ... even if i know that all i see it’s an illusion.
All i hope is that i will be able to interconnect the inner and the outside world ... and have amazing experiences all the time.

Download the book ”Behind the abstract ... there is always a messagewritten by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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